April 15 - 26, 2024

14-Hour Technician Course offered online over two weeks

      Knowledge of ethics and jurisprudence for the addiction counselor is essential for safe practice. This class will present one day focused on ethical issues specific to the practice of addiction counseling and a second day focusing on jurisprudence, which is the law and the practice of psychotherapy in Colorado. The class will cover the Colorado Mental Health Practice Act that regulates the practice of psychotherapy in Colorado, and introduce the student to the regulatory system and the role of DORA (Dept of Regulatory Agencies) and OBH (Office of Behavioral Health) in the development and credentialing of the addiction counselor. There will be an emphasis on developing ethical decision making skills, knowledge of confidentiality and the prohibited activities in the Mental Health Practice Act. The addiction counselor will become familiar with the NAADAC Code of Ethics and acquire the tools for ethical and legal practice.